50 Rounds of .45 ACP Ammo by Federal – 230gr TMJ


Quantity – 50 rounds per box
Manufacturer – Federal American Eagle
Bullets – 230 grain total metal jacket (TMJ)
Casings – Boxer-primed brass

There has been a constant push for more and more environmentally friendly products in the shooting marketplace. Sometimes this refers to things that are environmentally friendly from an ecology perspective. Sometimes it’s about the shooting experience and the actual ambient shooting environment. Sometimes the push for cleaner products is about a little of both. American Eagle, already a powerhouse line from the Federal brand name, offers this reduced exposure ammunition that provides a toxic metal free primer.

While there isn’t a set of specific scientific evidence that primers were doing a ton of damage to the shooter or the environment in a normal range session, it becomes incumbent upon shooters at some point to evaluate their impact in general. Shooters have historically been a very forward-thinking crowd about conservation of the sport. Think about game conservancy efforts across the globe; led by shooters and initiatives from the firearms industry if you need an example. True to form, contemporary shooters are looking for ways to improve the experience and provide legacy benefits to new generations of shooters to come. This is what is aimed to be achieved by ammunition developments like this; offered by Federal American Eagle here. It’s not a huge change, and it does impact, positively, the environmental aspects of the shooting experience.

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