20 Rounds of .270 Win Ammo by Federal – 130gr SP


Quantity – 20 rounds per box
Manufacturer – Federal Power-Shok
Bullet – 130 grain soft point (SP)
Casing – Boxer-primed brass

One of the most proven deer rounds in the history of modern hunting, the .270 Winchesters is a potent round for all the deer species you want to go after. This is a 130 grain soft point load that aligns strategically with the classic hunting rounds that had so much success over the last century. This is Federal’s mainstream classic round offering, with the virgin brass and the Boxer primer which gives a reduced cost of entry to shooters who want to reload their brass, but want a significantly powerful factory load too, to hunt with so they can get great use out of the entire life-cycle of the cartridge.

Proven performance at a price point that few can even meet, let alone beat. And the assurance that you are getting top tier quality components and quality control protocols that are second to none. The finish alone on these cartridges will tell the tale of how seriously the Federal ammunition plants take their outgoing product. It’s the main reason that they have been so successful over the years: consistency and follow through on the customer’s needs. 3060 feet per second velocity and 2703 ft. lbs., of energy at the bore.

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