250 Rounds of 12ga Ammo by Fiocchi Law Enforcement – Rifled Slug


Quantity – 10 shells per box; 25 boxes per case
Manufacturer – Fiocchi
Load – 2-3/4″ with 7/8 oz Aero Slug

Law Enforcement quality rifled slugs that are made for training and duty but offer exceptional ballistics for the civilian market while also giving reduced recoil and heavy hitting performance for personal defense, hunting and training. A 1 ounce slug with a legitimate reduction in recoil gives you enhanced value and real performance.

As far as 2 ¾-inch rifled slugs go, this is a pretty potent round, and yet, it does offer significantly reduced recoil for faster follow up shots and reduced fatigue in training. A full one oz. slug with the Hydra-Shok technology gives excellent penetration and has been proven under FBI specifications for penetration and expansion. 1300 feet per second of muzzle velocity and 1642 ft. lbs. of energy at the bore translates to great stopping power. The way the powder burn is tuned and the cartridge is built gives all the power needed for stopping power without the hassle of a painful shoulder that comes from shooting all day.

The drop in recoil doesn’t dramatically affect the accuracy, stopping power or penetration within normal ranges for rifled slugs. For 50 feet to 200 feet you can pretty much ensure that your shot will be where you want it and will give the type of stopping power you need for big game or for tactical purposes.

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